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Towbar not found

Unfortunately, we don’t have any towbars for this car model available anymore. For a fitting towbar for this car model, we recommend to get in touch with a car specialist of this brand.

Did you know:

  • That Brink towbars are being developed vehicle specific? This in order to fully support all safety features on your car.
  • That before Brink releases a towbar, the towbar is exposed to extreme tests, which are stricter than European guidelines?
  • That Brink works together with car manufacturers to develop the right towbar early in the development stages?

Frequently asked questions:

  • Does every type of towbar fit under my car? No, Brink aims to develop the best possible solution for every type of car. Because of this, Brink can’t develop every type of towbar for every type of car, but we will make the bet towbar for your car.
  • My towbar broke, what can I do?
    If your towbar is broken, the best thing to do is to take it back to the garage that installed the towbar for you.

Other frequently asked questions:

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